
團務的領導經營─系列講座(5)節慶活動設計The Workshop for Leadership and Management of Scout Troops(5) –The Festival Activities.


團務的領導經營─系列講座(8)童軍團的傳承與治理The Workshop for Leadership and Management of Scout Troops(8)-Governance of Scout Troop

─唐三藏取經到西域. 團務取經到雙月刊─ 雙月刊視訊/ 團務研習講座 講座日期/ 111-6-7, 時間/ 21:10-22:00 文圖/邵柱石 紀錄/莊雅婷 講師/ 臺北市第346團 傳薪童軍團主任委員兼總團長 邵柱石 童軍生涯30年 shao3656@gmail.com 摘要 邵團長從傳薪團的獻 …

團務的領導經營─系列講座(8)童軍團的傳承與治理The Workshop for Leadership and Management of Scout Troops(8)-Governance of Scout Troop 閱讀全文 »

團務的領導經營─系列講座(9)男童軍團活動設計The Workshop for Leadership and Management of Scout Troops (9) – The activity planning of a Scout group

─唐三藏取經到西域. 團務取經到雙月刊─ 雙月刊視訊/ 團務研習講座 日期時間/ 111-6-14,21:30-22:00 圖/易心宇 臺北市第346團 傳薪童軍團 童軍副團長 童軍生涯20年 摘要 主講人針對男童軍團介紹、年度行事曆安排、童軍進程規劃與疫情下的團集會及自我反思,帶領大家認識他從小參 …

團務的領導經營─系列講座(9)男童軍團活動設計The Workshop for Leadership and Management of Scout Troops (9) – The activity planning of a Scout group 閱讀全文 »

童軍跨域學習(團集會紀錄) The Interdisciplinary Learning in Scouting

The author combines the skills training of the Scouts with games,so that the Scouts can practice the spirit of experimentation in the activities. Scouting provides scientific literacy through activities and makes traditional Scouting games meaningful for learning.