
談童軍線上國際會議的投票系統 Introduction on e-voting system of world scout and regional scout conference

連怡斌教授為童軍總會國際委員,依其經驗針對42屆世界童軍領袖會議以及27屆亞太童軍領袖會議中所採取的線上投票方式及規則進行介紹Based on Prof. Lian’s experience as the international commissioner (IC) of the National Scout Association (NSO), he introduces the online e-voting rules and processes employed in the 42nd World Scout Conference and 27th Asia Pacific Regional Scout Conference.

世界童軍運動組織World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

本篇介紹世界童軍運動組織 (World Organization of the Scout Movement, WOSM) 以童軍諾言規律為基石,延伸發展的活動架構與所提供的服務項目。This article introduces the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), which takes the  scout promise, law and motto as the cornerstone, extends to the framework of activities and provoded services.