穆斯林齋戒月的童軍服務Scouting movement during Ramadan

Scouts in Palestine work with local Muslim community during Ramadan. Young people may have different religious belief, they can still work together for World Peace.

第10屆亞太區童軍青年論壇10th APR Scout Youth Forum


童軍跨域學習(團集會紀錄) The Interdisciplinary Learning in Scouting

The author combines the skills training of the Scouts with games,so that the Scouts can practice the spirit of experimentation in the activities. Scouting provides scientific literacy through activities and makes traditional Scouting games meaningful for learning.

榮譽在我心—忠孝Feeling Honor in Heart- Loyalty and Filial Piety

「榮譽在我心裡,我就不怕風浪……」,這是童軍人耳熟能詳的歌曲。榮譽深植在每位童軍夥伴的心中,將您感到榮譽的那一刻跟大家分享吧!With Honor in my heart, I shall not be afraid… This is a well-known Scouting song in Taiwan. Let’s share the honor of being a scout which has been deeply rooted in hearts.Now let’s take a look at the loyal stories of the Boy Scouts.

─雙月刊活動留史紀錄(訪談類)─ 集眾人之力,成眾人之事-─台北市崇善童軍團黑豹先鋒訓練營The Black Panther Pioneer Camp organized by Taipei Chong Shan Scout Group

Let us hear the story about the Black Panther Pioneer Camp organized by Taipei Chong Shan Scout Group to understand the origin, current situation and future development.