向陽營生,披荊斬棘小勇士-幼童軍心得分享 Be posited and always keep shiny. Reflection from the brave Cub Scouts attending Taiwanese Aboriginal Warrior Camp.

小狼出門打獵了!幼童軍體驗結合鄒族文化與童軍活動的避難小屋、製作陷阱和追蹤旅行。在進行獵人地形穿越時,不但滑跤又遇到咬人貓,仍手腳並用,克服難關。 Wolf howls! Cub scouts hunting! Let’s see how cub scouts prepared the traps, experienced the shelter place with the culture of Aboriginal Tsou? How did they overcome the difficulties while facing slippery trails and the poisonous plants?