
國境之南,單車成年禮Biking Trip in Southern Taiwan


童軍不老‧壯遊臺灣─偏鄉探訪有感B-P’s Spirit always Exists in my Heart and will not be Faded Away as the Time Goes By

受到 COVID-19 疫情影響,活動行程被迫延期,空出來的三天兩夜說走就走,完成總里程 1050 公里的機車環島行程,期間與同為童軍夥伴的老友敘舊,環島探訪的過程還發現……Due to the pandemic, the scheduled activity postponed, then we decided to travel around Taiwan (about 1,050 KM) by scooters with our old scout mates, and we found out that…