2022 Earth Hour 關燈一小時-澎湖活動紀實The 2022 Earth Hour event record in Penghu
澎湖縣海島童軍團每年皆會同步響應Earth Hour關燈一小時活動,今年是第八年。用實際的行動來邀請澎湖民眾能對氣候變遷與環境改變這一個議題有所正視。
澎湖縣海島童軍團每年皆會同步響應Earth Hour關燈一小時活動,今年是第八年。用實際的行動來邀請澎湖民眾能對氣候變遷與環境改變這一個議題有所正視。
2017年成立的澎湖海島童軍團至今即將邁向第5年,是澎湖除了學校童軍團外組織的複式社區童軍團,海島童軍團由一群熱愛童軍的服務員及家長建構組成,不同於學校童軍團的模式,希望透過更多元的元素來組團,並以「海」為元素發展出特別的「海童軍」。The troop 45 of Penghu was established by enthusiasm parents and adult leader on 2017, 5th anniversary is just around the corner ! Apart from Scouting movement in school, The troop 45 of Penghu is the Community Scouts group keep pushing the Specific Scouting movement based on the “Sea- element”.