如何設計童軍多元參訪活動How to design an outdoor activity with diverse purposes for scouts?
我負責規劃111年1月的童軍服務員的研習課程,參訪宜蘭深溝水源生態園區、內城社區,將聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs) 17項議題、世界童軍環境教育計畫及世界性議題等融入童軍活動內,與各位夥伴分享活動內容。
I was in charge for designing the training courses for adult leaders in January, 2022. Besides visiting the Shen-Go Water Resource and Ecology Park and Nei-Chen Community in Yilan, the SDGs agenda and WOSM’s (World Organization of the Scout Movement) Global Issues were also included in the training courses.