
如何設計童軍多元參訪活動How to design an outdoor activity with diverse purposes for scouts?

 我負責規劃111年1月的童軍服務員的研習課程,參訪宜蘭深溝水源生態園區、內城社區,將聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs) 17項議題、世界童軍環境教育計畫及世界性議題等融入童軍活動內,與各位夥伴分享活動內容。
    I was in charge for designing the training courses for adult leaders in January,  2022.  Besides visiting the Shen-Go Water Resource and Ecology Park and Nei-Chen Community in Yilan, the SDGs agenda and WOSM’s (World Organization of the Scout Movement) Global Issues were also included in the training courses.  

第19期助理訓練員訓練班(CALT)後記The Reflections of the 19th CALT (Courses of Assistant Leader Training)

he best memory of the CALT training course… How to create the atmosphere to make members in the group all on the same page. How to inspect the work effectiveness of adult leader under the WOSM training frame. A fine example to all of the young scouts is expected to set up and to inherit the Scouts Spirit and experience from one generation to the next.

國中童軍團經營的二三事A brief talk on managing the scouts group in junior high school

台南市後甲國中童軍團,校地幅員廣闊,校園中設置童軍團專用營地,歷史悠久、團員人數眾多,黃團長無私帶領後甲團十七年,這十七年間,黃團長藉由活潑多元的招生方式、克服學校團服務員不足、凝聚團向心力與建構團文化傳承。    Houjia junior high school has a vast campus. A special campground has been set up for Scout group on the campus. It has a long history and a large number of members. Scoutmaster HUANG,SIAO-TIAN selflessly had led Houjia scouts group for 17 years. During these 17 years, Scoutmaster Huang gathered the centripetal force of the group and constructed the cultural inheritance through lively and diversified enrollment methods, despite she is the only adult leader in the school.

疫情下的童軍團務運作Keep Scouts movement running throughout the epidemic

    How did a scouts group in the school with nearly 30 years of history and more than 100 scouting members grow and thrive in the pandemic? This article is to share the experience passed down by the Taoyuan Dongxing scouts group as well as the response measures in the epidemic.

童軍傳愛 Love Giving(樂給)童軍素養實踐How Scouts Practice Love Giving- the Core Competencies

投入三十多年歲月無私奉獻於童軍運動中,林校長秉持莊子管理哲學,創新童軍本位發展與設計傳愛學校四套課程:山-越野山冒險、綠-環境綠保甲、行-遠征行夢想、書-人文書欣情的教學模式,將童軍活動與學校戶外教育緊密結合,從校園出發,推展童軍運動、發揚童軍精神於社區而至全國。With more than 30 years of selfless dedication to the Scout Movement,  Principal LIN, CI-WUN adhering to Zhuangzi’s management philosophy, innovates four special school curriculum based on his experiences in Scouting. 1. Cross-country mountain adventure, 2. Green environment, green protection, 3. Travel expeditionary and 4. Humanity teaching method. He integrated the Scout activities into the school’s outdoor education, thus to promote Scouting education from the campus to the community.

談童軍線上國際會議的投票系統 Introduction on e-voting system of world scout and regional scout conference

連怡斌教授為童軍總會國際委員,依其經驗針對42屆世界童軍領袖會議以及27屆亞太童軍領袖會議中所採取的線上投票方式及規則進行介紹Based on Prof. Lian’s experience as the international commissioner (IC) of the National Scout Association (NSO), he introduces the online e-voting rules and processes employed in the 42nd World Scout Conference and 27th Asia Pacific Regional Scout Conference.

世界童軍運動組織World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

本篇介紹世界童軍運動組織 (World Organization of the Scout Movement, WOSM) 以童軍諾言規律為基石,延伸發展的活動架構與所提供的服務項目。This article introduces the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), which takes the  scout promise, law and motto as the cornerstone, extends to the framework of activities and provoded services.