天行健,勇者不息-2022鄒族冬令勇士營Brave Scouts will strengthen themselves without stopping- the reflection for attending the 2022 Taiwanese Aboriginal Warrior Camp.
冬令勇士營是一個極具挑戰的營隊,鄒族文化與童軍活動激盪出耀眼的火花 ! 童軍銘言「準備」在此落實,負重訓練鍛鍊體能也砥礪自我,體驗式學習帶領童軍深入原始森林,聆聽山林的呼喚。
冬令勇士營是一個極具挑戰的營隊,鄒族文化與童軍活動激盪出耀眼的火花 ! 童軍銘言「準備」在此落實,負重訓練鍛鍊體能也砥礪自我,體驗式學習帶領童軍深入原始森林,聆聽山林的呼喚。
嘉義市政府連續舉辦元旦升旗17屆,每一屆都有值得紀念的特色,這17年來嘉義童軍本著社會服務的精神,踴躍投入典禮服務,在生活中實踐童軍銘言「人生以服務為目的」。 Chiayi Government has held 17 consecutive New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremonies. In the spirit of social service, Chiayi Scouts have actively participated in ceremonial services in the spirit of social service, and practiced the Scout motto “Service as the goal of life”.
探討有關世界童軍運動組織(WOSM)的會員定義與會費的計算方式。 A brief discussion on the definition of membership and the charging method for the WOSM fee.
只有一包米和鹽,其他什麼都沒有!走進森林、越過溪流,在多年耕耘之下,童軍活動與原鄉土地共同譜出優美的曲調。一起來了解台北崇善童軍鄒族冬令營暨勇士營的起源、運作與延續… With only a small pack of rice and salt, Scouts walk into the forest and cross the stream to practice survival skills. After devoting and effort continually, Scouts movement just fits with nature perfectly. We will see the reason of the beginning and how will it be operated and continued for the Chong Shan group holding Taiwanese Aboriginal Warrior Camp.