畫面中的光點,象徵燃燒產生的火光,象徵童軍心中的榮譽。圖/文 : 柯王明煬 、黃建棠 111.2.21
- 發行人:林右昌 理事長
- 總編輯:蘇德祥 秘書長
- 副總編輯:林行健 主任委員
- 執行編輯:李姿瑩
- 副執行編輯:黃建棠
- 封面設計:柯王明煬
- 篇章主編:尹志強(世界)、劉曉樺(故事)、陳羽君(多元展才)、黃建棠(臺灣)、許鈺鈴(見學)、郭先添(熱搜)
- 編審創思群(依筆畫排序):李新元、林祺文、張凱嘉、莊益昌、楊永欽、鄭曉芬、林欣怡、莊雅婷
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⚜️ Happy Birthday to Lord Baden Powell & Lady Baden Powell ⚜️
22nd February
On my honor, I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God & my Country, to help other people & to obey the Scout Law
世界童軍運動組織World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
本篇介紹世界童軍運動組織 (World Organization of the Scout Movement, WOSM) 以童軍諾言規律為基石,延伸發展的活動架構與所提供的服務項目。This article introduces the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), which takes the scout promise, law and motto as the cornerstone, extends to the framework of activities and provoded services.
談童軍線上國際會議的投票系統 Introduction on e-voting system of world scout and regional scout conference
連怡斌教授為童軍總會國際委員,依其經驗針對42屆世界童軍領袖會議以及27屆亞太童軍領袖會議中所採取的線上投票方式及規則進行介紹Based on Prof. Lian’s experience as the international commissioner (IC) of the National Scout Association (NSO), he introduces the online e-voting rules and processes employed in the 42nd World Scout Conference and 27th Asia Pacific Regional Scout Conference.
離島不一樣的童軍 海島童軍團Scouting on the islet of Taiwan, the Sea Scouts of Penghu
2017年成立的澎湖海島童軍團至今即將邁向第5年,是澎湖除了學校童軍團外組織的複式社區童軍團,海島童軍團由一群熱愛童軍的服務員及家長建構組成,不同於學校童軍團的模式,希望透過更多元的元素來組團,並以「海」為元素發展出特別的「海童軍」。The troop 45 of Penghu was established by enthusiasm parents and adult leader on 2017, 5th anniversary is just around the corner ! Apart from Scouting movement in school, The troop 45 of Penghu is the Community Scouts group keep pushing the Specific Scouting movement based on the “Sea- element”.
戰鼓雷鳴 勇士出征Feedback from Scouts Attending Taiwanese Aboriginal Warrior Camp
台北市崇善童軍團第九屆的勇士營 2022年1月22日啟程,一起看看這次在阿里山鄒族傳統獵場中,第九屆勇士營“住”的故事The 9th Taiwanese Aboriginal Warrior Camp be held in the Mont Ali forest on Jan. 22th, 2022. Let’s see the story of Troop 22 of Taipei(Chong-Shan) training in the hunting ground of The Tsou.
光光相照 燈燈相續 May all Scouts Keep Cultivating just like Handing Down the Buddha Light to the World
疫情中,員林佛光童軍團舉辦了入團升團典禮,久違的相逢更感受到團長們對伙伴們的溫暖與期望owing period. We feel the warmest greeting from adult leader and the expectation for scouting movement to all member in the group.
童軍傳愛 Love Giving(樂給)童軍素養實踐How Scouts Practice Love Giving- the Core Competencies
投入三十多年歲月無私奉獻於童軍運動中,林校長秉持莊子管理哲學,創新童軍本位發展與設計傳愛學校四套課程:山-越野山冒險、綠-環境綠保甲、行-遠征行夢想、書-人文書欣情的教學模式,將童軍活動與學校戶外教育緊密結合,從校園出發,推展童軍運動、發揚童軍精神於社區而至全國。With more than 30 years of selfless dedication to the Scout Movement, Principal LIN, CI-WUN adhering to Zhuangzi’s management philosophy, innovates four special school curriculum based on his experiences in Scouting. 1. Cross-country mountain adventure, 2. Green environment, green protection, 3. Travel expeditionary and 4. Humanity teaching method. He integrated the Scout activities into the school’s outdoor education, thus to promote Scouting education from the campus to the community.
疫情下的童軍團務運作Keep Scouts movement running throughout the epidemic
How did a scouts group in the school with nearly 30 years of history and more than 100 scouting members grow and thrive in the pandemic? This article is to share the experience passed down by the Taoyuan Dongxing scouts group as well as the response measures in the epidemic.
國中童軍團經營的二三事A brief talk on managing the scouts group in junior high school
台南市後甲國中童軍團,校地幅員廣闊,校園中設置童軍團專用營地,歷史悠久、團員人數眾多,黃團長無私帶領後甲團十七年,這十七年間,黃團長藉由活潑多元的招生方式、克服學校團服務員不足、凝聚團向心力與建構團文化傳承。 Houjia junior high school has a vast campus. A special campground has been set up for Scout group on the campus. It has a long history and a large number of members. Scoutmaster HUANG,SIAO-TIAN selflessly had led Houjia scouts group for 17 years. During these 17 years, Scoutmaster Huang gathered the centripetal force of the group and constructed the cultural inheritance through lively and diversified enrollment methods, despite she is the only adult leader in the school.
第19期助理訓練員訓練班(CALT)後記The Reflections of the 19th CALT (Courses of Assistant Leader Training)
he best memory of the CALT training course… How to create the atmosphere to make members in the group all on the same page. How to inspect the work effectiveness of adult leader under the WOSM training frame. A fine example to all of the young scouts is expected to set up and to inherit the Scouts Spirit and experience from one generation to the next.
如何設計童軍多元參訪活動How to design an outdoor activity with diverse purposes for scouts?
我負責規劃111年1月的童軍服務員的研習課程,參訪宜蘭深溝水源生態園區、內城社區,將聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs) 17項議題、世界童軍環境教育計畫及世界性議題等融入童軍活動內,與各位夥伴分享活動內容。
I was in charge for designing the training courses for adult leaders in January, 2022. Besides visiting the Shen-Go Water Resource and Ecology Park and Nei-Chen Community in Yilan, the SDGs agenda and WOSM’s (World Organization of the Scout Movement) Global Issues were also included in the training courses.
童軍之父—羅伯特.貝登堡The Founder of Scouting Movement- Robert Baden-Powell
羅伯特.貝登堡是童軍運動創始人,他的童年生活、軍旅生涯如何,是怎樣創立童軍運動呢?Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scouting movement. Have you wondered the reason why he was inspired to establish the scouting movement? And what was his childhood like and the life in the army?
勇士營之我見我思My reflection after the Mountain Man Camp
童軍夥伴每人帶著一包米、一把鹽走入山林,憑著自己的雙手摘野菜、抓螃蟹。四天後……With a small pack of rice and salt, the scouts were practicing survival skills by picking edible leaves and catching crabs.
臺中新龍岡營地白浪島營隊心得My Reflection after the Brown Sea Camp in Taichung
活動前的準備、活動時的享受,活動後的反思,是身為童軍人參與活動的必備要素,白浪島營隊我來了!Three phases for scouts while participating activities: 1) preparing beforehand, 2) enjoying at the moment, and 3) reflecting afterwards. Here I come, the Training Camp!
白浪島考驗營營後心得Reflections for second class (boy scout)training course, by Troop 265 of Taichung, LI,YUN-RUI
Camping in the rainy days must have been one of the unforgettable memories for all the scouts. By adopting patrol method, the teamwork will be more efficient.
榮譽在我心Feeling Honor in Heart
With Honor in my heart, I shall not be afraid… This is a well-known Scouting song in Taiwan. Let’s share the honor of being a scout which has been deeply rooted in hearts.
《童軍常用營地踏查》第一站:臺北市貴子坑露營場The Introduction for Popular Scout Campsites. Stop 1:Guizikeng Camping Site, Taipei city
期前往貴子坑露營場,將實地探訪調查的結果彙整為圖文資訊和大家分享,同時在營地開箱一項露營小物「烤吐司架」介紹給大家認識。We will introduce the Guizikeng Camping Site this time! In this paragraph, we will be sharing a specific rack which will be used on baking the toast while camping outside and the investigation result through information below.
童軍不老‧壯遊臺灣─偏鄉探訪有感B-P’s Spirit always Exists in my Heart and will not be Faded Away as the Time Goes By
受到 COVID-19 疫情影響,活動行程被迫延期,空出來的三天兩夜說走就走,完成總里程 1050 公里的機車環島行程,期間與同為童軍夥伴的老友敘舊,環島探訪的過程還發現……Due to the pandemic, the scheduled activity postponed, then we decided to travel around Taiwan (about 1,050 KM) by scooters with our old scout mates, and we found out that…